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Presently In My Past




Leigha O'Brien has always been a dreamer and a bit different compared to those around her. This changes when she and her only friend Lindie visit fortune teller Madam Love's home. Madam Love tells Leigha that her soul may end up tortured and there's only one way to fix it. Leigha is left literally trapped inside of her dreams trying to save her soul and each night that she sleeps she's opened up to a new life from her soul's past. Her dreams all have one common occurrence, a mystery man who is determined to capture her soul . With every reincarnation, her soul bounces through time searching for peace and avoiding the man that can provide it. Once her soul finally rests to be whole again; the journey of a soul that has lasted a long span of time searching for peace proves to be more important than could ever be imagined.

Excerpt From "Presently In My Past"

"My eyes grew wide swirling in the color of my aura. He licked the side of my neck and then kissed my cheek. “It’s the season of the Libra sweetness. That’s the time for the scales to tilt everything equally and evenly. This should be about as even as it gets,” he said in a husky voice. I saw his hand move swiftly and I saw the flash of silver. But, it didn’t immediately register inside of my mind what he was about to do until I felt the most horrific pain in my neck. Before he’d even sliced a half of the way through my neck everything went black. I woke up in the early morning as Leigha again screaming and screeching at the top of my lungs while kicking and flailing my arms and legs everywhere. My parents followed by my brother rushed into my room. Lee grabbed me by my waist, “Leigha, it’s me! It’s okay it’s me!” He held me tight against his chest saying, “It’s just a bad dream womb mate. It’s me and you were just having a bad dream.” I calmed panting and breathing heavily hugging my brother tight. Tears poured from my eyes for my poor soul in the body of Amy. She’d been murdered at an early age; I’d been murdered. Not many years before Lee and I were born she had existed and then that creep had murdered her. That’s why I recollected her life instantaneously. Amy had been alive just before I was born. She was the last life that my soul lived before I transferred to me. Poor, poor Amy; I could still feel the excruciating pain on my neck burning like hot coals on a fire. Lying against my twin brother’s embrace I wept for Amy. I wept for my very own soul and the torment it had faced before finding me. “I think we need to take her to see a psychiatrist,” my dad turned and said to my Mom.My eyes grew wide swirling in the color of my aura. He licked the side of my neck and then kissed my cheek. “It’s the season of the Libra sweetness. That’s the time for the scales to tilt everything equally and venly. This should be about as even as it gets,” he said in a husky voice. I saw his hand move swiftly and I saw the flash of silver. But, it didn’t immediately register inside of my mind what he was about to do until I felt the most horrific pain in my neck. Before he’d even sliced a half of the way through my neck everything went black. I woke up in the early morning as Leigha again screaming and screeching at the top of my lungs while kicking and flailing my arms and legs everywhere. My parents followed by my brother rushed into my room. Lee grabbed me by my waist, “Leigha, it’s me! It’s okay it’s me!” He held me tight against his chest saying, “It’s just a bad dream womb mate. It’s me and you were just having a bad dream.” I calmed panting and breathing heavily hugging my brother tight. Tears poured from my eyes for my poor soul in the body of Amy. She’d been murdered at an early age; I’d been murdered. Not many years before Lee and I were born she had existed and then that creep had murdered her. That’s why I recollected her life instantaneously. Amy had been alive just before I was born. She was the last life that my soul lived before it transferred to me. Poor, poor Amy; I could still feel the excruciating pain on my neck burning like hot coals on a fire. Lying against my twin brother’s embrace I wept for Amy. I wept for my very own soul and the torment it had faced before finding me. “I think we need to take her to see a psychiatrist,” my dad turned and said to my Mom."


To Be Released Late Fall 2014!!!


The Last Gabrielle Black Chronicle #5  By- Ann Leona


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